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Where the shell spaces give you the freedom to show the real creative side of your business, they also limit your space. For some exhibitors, that can be a huge challenge if they don’t plan out strategically!

However, there is always a way to play with the design elements and plan the space to achieve huge success. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get into the tips!

Key Strategies To Turn Your Small Exhibition Into Huge Success

Keep one thing in mind: if you don’t have the biggest place, it doesn’t mean you cannot succeed at the exhibition. Nothing is impossible once you decide on it and work with dedication!

Space is not the only element that matters at the exhibition; there are so many others. All you have to do is focus on the unique aspects, think out of the box, and plan everything thoroughly.

Are you ready to learn alternative tools to dramatically change the situation? Let’s get started!

  1. Choose The Right Event

Sometimes, it does not matter whether you have a big or small space; it is not just the right event for you! Thus, choose an exhibition that aligns with your business goals and target market. For this, try to do:

  • Research about the exhibition ahead.
  • Understand the target audience.
  • Calculate the ROI.

This will help you in choosing the right event and plan ahead according to your audience.

  1. Optimise Your Location

No matter if the place is small, if the location you choose at the exhibition has high traffic footprints you have already nailed it! Just stay active and book the front location that brings more traffic. 

Further, avoid tucked locations such as under stairways or behind the food stalls. Avoiding such spaces will definitely maximise the visibility of your shell scheme stand and increase the chances of success.

  1. Plan For Visitor’s Footprints

One more effective strategy for managing the small shell space is to plan beforehand for all the visitors’ footprints. Thus, try to keep in mind the customer journey and plan to ensure a smooth visit.

Design the layout in a way that visitors can easily pay a visit without any obstruction. You can even use signage creatively to guide visitors and highlight importance.

  1. It’s All About How You Design

Designing a small space strategically can create a big difference. Some proven ways to make your palace look bigger are 

Add A Vertical Sight Point

It will draw the visitor’s eyes upward, which will automatically make the shell space more spacious. For example, you can install lights at the heights of poles.

Bold Elements 

Avoid adding small objects to the space; instead, go for some big ones. For example, add a big cushion, a glass coffee table, or a fascia board that caters to everyone.

For reference, take a look at the Amazon exhibition booth design!

Clean Design

Try to focus on using your space to your advantage and keep your space design simple and inviting. The rule of thumb here is to keep 40% of your booth space empty.

Use Bright Colours

Colours convey emotion and help craft the vibe according to your goals. But don’t forget to create harmony between your colour choice and the brand’s image.

According to experts, the best way to keep up with the brand theme and minimalism is to use this colour rule! 

“60% Of The Prime Colour, 30% Of The Secondary Colour, And 10% Of The Accent Colour. “

  1. Showcase your Offerings Creatively

If you are attending the exhibition to raise business awareness, then present your offering at the booth. One of the best ways to do so is to showcase your services on LED screens and products on the wall. 

Further, in a small place, using technology can really help you present yourself well! For instance, look at the following:

Interactive Displays 

Interactive displays, touch screens, and LED video walls can really attract and engage visitors in a small place.

Digital Materials

Want to save more places and be creative? Offer digital brochures or catalogues to save space and offer handy information.

  1. Utilise Lights Effectively

There is a vast variety of exhibition lights in the market. For further assistance, you can contact any exhibition production service. The main point here is to choose the right lighting for your event, which should be according to your:

  • Brand Theme
  • Campaigns
  • Desired Atmosphere, etc.

Some of the most common Exhibition lights are the following:

  • Spotlights
  • Accent Lights
  • Hanging Lights
  • Ambient Lights, etc.

Strategically using lights to your advantage will help you enhance visibility and add importance to your graphics.

  1. Maintain A Tidy Space

One of the most common blunders with small places at trade shows is that they get cluttered! It is the biggest back-off for the visitors. 

Hence, it is always advised to use furniture that can also be reserved as your storage place. Further, encourage your employees to organise the space regularly.

  1. Provide Thoughtful Goodies

Start with warm greetings and a smile. Last but not least, to ensure that your visitors are satisfied with your hosting, don’t hesitate to give away goodies! A thoughtful gesture always goes a long way and can turn them into loyal customers. Some goodies you may consider are:

Branded Giveaways

Everyone is fond of free goodies, and if they are esthetically branded, that will be a plus! Further, you can always give away your product sample to engage them and get their reviews.


On average, 88% of people spend 8.5 hours at the trade show! This means offering them refreshments is the greatest way to build an emotional connection with them.

Bottom Line

Don’t worry about the small exhibition place because now you can easily turn a small place into a successful event! Do not forget to:

  • Choose the right place
  • Strategically plan ahead
  • Utilise all elements to the most
  • Use Lights Effectively
  • And provide thoughtful goodies.

By following these tips, you can easily maximise your impact and reach your business goals!

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