Table of Contents

Looking for some practical tips to make your next exhibition a new success story?

If yes, then stay with us until the end! We will share some strategies and help you lay the foundation for your successful exhibition! To be more clear, let’s first understand what the shell scheme exhibition stands are. 

Shell scheme stands split the exhibition hall and assigned places to different businesses. That’s the main place where business owners play with creativity and present themselves. It is a basic modular frame that works as a canvas for the exhibitors.

Now, let’s explore how you can customise them according to your needs and desires. Which will help you break the uniformity of shell stands and stand out from the rest!

Make Your Shell Scheme Stand 2x Successful

The key is to use the shell space strategically and make the most out of it. Do you have in-house designers? If not, you can always hire exhibition services and organisers.

They are trained professionals who work closely to turn your small shell space into a piece of art. Further, they are trained to craft an appealing layout according to your business goals.

However, we always encourage business owners to master everything themselves so they can keenly manage every step. So, let’s get into it!

  1. Set SMART Goals

Designing an eye-catching and winning exhibition stand is not something that can be neglected! Start by defining clear goals and setting milestones to achieve through the event. Some of the most common goals for businesses are:

  • To launch a new product or service.
  • Planning to broaden the customer base.
  • To boost brand awareness.

Know beforehand what your goal is. Remember, knowing your goals and setting clear milestones will always lead your way.

  1. Design Your Target Customer Persona

Have you already crafted your customer persona for your business? 

If not, now is the best time to do so! It will help you understand your customers’ position, their pain points, and their thought processes. First, define your target market, and then consider the following aspects:

Demographics: Their average age, gender, location, income, and education.

Psychographics: The interests, values, and lifestyle of your target audience.

Pain points: What challenges or problems do they face, and how are you solving them?

Buying Behaviour: What are their buying behaviours? Do they rely on Google searches, references, or just emotions?

After crafting your target customer persona you will be able to design your shell scheme in a way to connect with them. 

For example: Your target audience is aged women with joint pains. You have to design your shell space with a comfy sitting area and design your shell space that appeals to them.

  1. Choose Shell Scheme Design

A successful exhibitor knows the importance of the shell scheme design. Choosing the right shell scheme stands can be a great advantage because, in the end, they all come with limited space. Try to use the one that aligns with your target audience and the marketing goals. Consider the following factors while choosing the shell scheme stand:

  • The total size of space you need.
  • What do you want to represent?
  • What ambiance and vibes do you want to give to your visitors?

Plan Space Effectively

If you estimate the number of people you expect at a booth at a time, it will help you alot to plan the place accordingly.

Note: Design a place that is functional as well as appealing!

Choice Of Panels

The most popular shell scheme panels are those with a 5mm width, approximately 1m wide x 2.5 m tall. These panels provide a good balance of durability and space for booth designs. 

  1. Craft A Compelling Design Concept

The next step is to craft a compelling design concept. In reality, it is the driving force behind any creativity that gives direction to the design. Further, it is about defining how you make your audience feel at your booth.

Craft a concept that is easy to identify and communicates well to your visitors!

Whether it’s minimalist, modern, or cultural, ensure it reflects your brand values.

  1. Don’t Forget To Add Branding Touch

You must already have a brand identity, which will stay the same here. Remember, “Branding = Consistency.” Use the same fonts, colours, logos, and other branding elements throughout the exhibition. It will help you ensure your brand consistency.

Understand The Importance Of Colours

Colours play a vital role in any design, as they convey an emotion! When you are focusing on creating a design that attracts an audience, choose a colour that enforces brand identity and entices them. 

Note: Sometimes, brands mix colours for special occasions in order to reach and engage their audiences better.

Craft compelling CTAs

Design clear calls to action that help your visitors know exactly what to do! It can be app downloads, sign-ups, etc. The point here is to make your CTAs useful and easy for audience to understand.

  1. Design Graphics

The first rule of designing is to avoid overloading! Always keep the negative space in the design and let it take the lead. Infact, too much clutter makes your brand look cheap and unprofessional and also repels your customers. 

Hence, use graphics as a powerful communication tool and focus on high-quality images and clear text. Lastly, ensure you are using clads, and don’t let the poles cut the view!

  1. Don’t Underestimate Lighting

Sometimes, lighting plays a creative role in designs. You may use lighting to highlight your key areas and create a welcoming environment. You can also use spotlights, light boxes, or LED video walls in your shell space to draw attention.

  1. Focus On User Experience

While designing, think about the ways to enhance user experience. Make sure your customers can easily navigate through your design and environment is comfortable. Furthermore, try the following:

  • Try to smoothen traffic flow by positioning key elements and clear signage. 
  • Ensure your front desk is accessible and within audience reach. 

Pro Tip:

Add dimensions to your space by incorporating touchscreens, games, stands, and other elements to make it more exciting and engaging. 

Key Takeaways

To create a winning shell scheme exhibition stand look, you have to think out of the box! It requires keen attention to detail and careful planning to craft an art that achieves its milestones.  Remember to:

  • Follow the design principles
  • Align your designs with the target persona
  • Utilise brand kit 
  • Prioritise your user experience to create an effective and attractive design.

Further, to ensure the smooth and professional execution of your design, hire EMS Exhibitions! Remember, a well-crafted exhibition booth is a potent tool for reaching new heights in your business!

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